We're so cool ice cubes are jealous of us, yo!The recent sleepover was filled with
nua-ness. The nua level was at an all time high due to trainings/lack of sleep/baking stuff.
So, on the first day met Miaw and Rongyi at nex first, then went back to my house to lunch.
I never really realised how big Miaw's appetite was. Why isn't she fat :( Why am I so fat.
THEN, trina came over. Of course, in true trina (alliteration!) style, her dad fetched her over.
and she had to wait while we ate our lunch and she gave us gifts that she bought from Aussie:D
She gave me this spongebob thingy that expands in water, UBERCOOL.

I put it in water immediately cause it looked so cool but it grew to look kinda gross.
Now it looks like this!

It looks like it has a layer of yellow moss on it, but I swear it feels really cool!
and if you squeeze it, water comes out and it kinda feels
hehehe check out my cool heart drawing!
Then we proceeded to scape and started KTV-ing!

All the "singing", screaming and rongyi's emo-ing(her throat wasn't up to the challenge *weird look*) was MAD FUN:D
CAUSE BABY YOU'RE A FIREEEEEEEEEEEWORK, COME ON SHOW'EM WHATTTTTTTT YOU'RE WORTHAfter highing and suffering from the post-high nuaness, we went our separate ways, me to tuition, Val to her friend's birthday dinner and miaw to cut her hair (with trina and rong trailing behind her & apparently dancing at the salon).
There next day we had training!
we had our cereal and headed out to wait for the bus which was a very important point in val and miaw's posts cause it's exactly like FRIDAY! with a few minor adjustments.
6.30am, waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein' everything, the time is goin'
Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, with my friends
stolen from Miaw's blog :)
After training we went grocery shopping!
and apparently getting good deals with Nut's expertise in the
NTUC department.
Next, we went to val's house and started
BAKING!Which gets really sian and boring after awhile.
Trina and I gave up and nua-ed after not-even-finishing one batch of cookies.
Trina GuitarHero-ed and I slowly went into a deep slumber while the others were hard at work. hehe.
I woke up
soaking with sweat.
I couldn't stand the heat and went to help out in the kitchen, in a semi-conscious state. Trina continued GuitarHero-ing.
I find Trina intriguing and amazing. HOW DOES SHE DO IT?
After awhile I gave up trying to help and Trina finally got bored of guitar hero,
soooo we spotted these...

and we started battling! I have to say it was super awesomely fun!
I finally understand how Delia feels.I want a nerf gun now too!
Rongyi joined us in our nerfing soon after. but she kinda quit after I shot a bullet to her eye. oops.
after constant Trina rantings about being hungry we finally decided on pizza.
and guess what the amazing girl did!
She played
mario kart while eating a
hot wing with the controller
above her head.Trina really amazes me with the things she does.
The next day, I had a HORRENDOUS time trying to wake them up D:
but eventually they did! and we had our cereal and headed to training again!
We came back home after that, everyone in the super nua mood.
So we decided, after much discussion, to go to TOA PAYOH PARK to have our picnic!

moustache family ftw :D
we had cool food too! from


The strawberry flan looks really good doesn't it?
and the pizza looks really gross.
But all I can say is looks can be decieving;)
The strawberry flan had all the looks while the pizza had all the beauty from within:)
and we all nua-ed home!
On a lighter note, Emma Watson's still amazing! ;)

"I can’t believe I’m actually saying this for vogue.com, but for my birthday I asked for two chickens, and they arrived today. I got them a hutch in my garden and I’m really excited about them. I haven’t decided what I’m going to name them. I want to kind of name them…like, Ralph and Lauren."
That was her at her vogue.com interview. hahaahah she's so