Saturday, July 31, 2010,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits ya, somebody else got what you wanted again.SNHOCKEY we didn't lose anything:) we just got stronger. We're all dissapointed, cause we know we were just so close. but we did our best and played our hearts out, till the very last whistle. we never gave up, and to me, that's what matters the most♥. the number of tears we shed was WOAH. we could've filled a swimming pool. hehehe. But this shows how much we have cared about the team, how bonded we were as a team. when the final whistle blew, we all cried. no one was an exception. we gained so much more than we would have if we had won, awesome seniors, awesome juniors, AWESOME TEAM, we were all as one big SNHOCKEY family:) WE'RE AMAZING,AND WE'LL COME BACK EVEN STRONGER, TOUGHER. quote valerie! win together, lose together, cry together, hug together, SN HOCKEY TEAMSNHOCKEY WILL NEVER SAY NEVER:D
Thursday, July 29, 2010,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
 When the final whistle blows, whatever the result, whatever happens throughout the match, we'll always have each other, we have nothing to lose. We start as a team, and we'll end as a better, stronger, more determined one:) cause whatever happens, WE'VE GOT EACH OTHER'S BACKS! SNHOCKEY, we can only get stronger♥ all the way you awesome retards, never give up.
Friday, July 23, 2010,
Friday, July 23, 2010
My Mum discourages me to play hockey cause: “等一下考试你不可以写字。”HAHAHA WTH. I'm a good girl! I don't lie to my mum:) epic *wide eye*. but doesn't matter cause told her it didn't hurt and she didn't really care after that. I can totally play:) I SHALL PLAYYYY! I JUST WON'T HIT. cause 考试 is 6 weeks away (!!!) plus I♥SNHOCKEY.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
 I've come to the point where nothing else matters. I just wanna give up, cause dreams never come true.
Monday, July 19, 2010,
Monday, July 19, 2010
SNHOCKEY forever:)HEEHHE c'div we're awesome! our team is just amazinggg, beyond words. WHEN ST NICKS IS AT HER BEST, NO ONE COMES CLOSE. We're unstoppable baybee:) look the cool things I can draw with my left hand! HAHA ugly drawings.   Becks is retarded. ILOVEMYFRIENDS:D
Wednesday, July 14, 2010,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Kilo 1000 Mega 10⁶ Giga 10⁹ Tera 10¹²
Milli 10¯³ Micro 10¯⁶ Nano 10¯⁹ Pico 10¯¹²MATHS is causing me to become really weird. I need to do well tomorrow. hehehe.
Sunday, July 11, 2010,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
 school sucks so baddd. we're back to the sad life of desperately trying not to fall asleep during lessons and mugging when we go home. I'd like to say I'm taking a break from maths, but I've been slacking. at probably the worst possible time. MATHSSSSSS U SUCK SO BAD
Thursday, July 1, 2010,
Thursday, July 01, 2010
0-0 We drew with stc. I was like super scared and nervous before the match. but I like coach's words:)there's no reason for us to be nervous. First half was horrible for me towards the end. I WANTED TO PUKE SOOOO BADLY. D: And when I was in the D, I thought I was gonna puke! but I let out this really loud burp instead. HAHAHAHHA, it's a better alternative! BUT this stc person turned to look at me. OOPS. Than I was using my hands to button my mouth shut cause puke wanted to come out. It was okay, but I didn't fight hard enough. we gotta score alot to top our group! WE CAN DO THIS,WE GOTTA DO THIS :) let's do this thingggg