snow makes one wild;heyy world!
i'm FINALLY back:)
went to the awesome europe:D
ooh if u were the sightseeing kinda person, you'd love it,really.(which im totally NOT)
but the snow part was really really awesome. I♥snow.
i wish singapore snowed but wasn't cold. but the snow would melt ):
okay im not making any sense.
i actually dont have much to say about it haha.
except that i ate LOADS.(mostly super THICK, CHEESY stuff)
and went back hotel and was forced to ate cup noodles again.
i dont dare measure my weight i think i gained 10kg or something.
so i shall not eat anything that will make me gain any more weight.
but my mum's making it so hard!
she bought
7 boxes of swiss choclates (a whole suitcase dedicated to it). so whenever i open the fridge, the choclates stare right back at me ):
and i already gave up and ate 2 yesterday (thanks to my mum, again)
today, after PIZZAHUT dinner, my mum brought us to...
guess what HAGEN DAZS.
ahhh! and she ate the 3scooped one right infront of me:O
and she kept laughing at me cause i was (really really)desperately trying not to eat.
she shoved the spoon infront of my face.
cruel people:)
25th november!sports day:) and moving out ceremony.
the sports day part is kinda redundant.
me, Amanda, Rongyi and valerie sat together:)
Amanda and i spent the whole time blowing bubble gum. see who blew bigger.
hahahah it was damn funny and unglam.
valerie was learning to blow and was afraid to spit the gum out at mrs nath who was sitting infront of us LOL.
after that went to the school compound we will use for the next 2years at toa payoh.
went with rachelle and eli;)
it was...HORRIFYING.
me and rachelle plan to 跳楼 after school begins.
the toilet all squat one.
i hope i can prevent using toilets for 2years:)
in school at least haha.
awww and we wont see each other that much cause we'll all be seperated.
not like, first floor sec ones and second floor sec 2s ald. ):
i feel saddened.
and i will take a long time to go home aww.
the worst thing is...HOCKEY 'PITCH'
oh well, we'll get throught this together:)
effects of snowBEFORE


(soaked wet)
it is not fun to walk around in winter when ur shirt and especially your jeans is totally WET. i walked for like 2h D:
snow madness!:)

notice the amount of snow in my hair:D
hahahahah ice was stuck to my hair after that:)
busy busy busy;