Friday, October 23, 2009,
Friday, October 23, 2009
friends for hockey today!:) it was quite fun rong yi got 'most promising player' award:D michelle won 'most outstanding player' they played greatttt! think i played crap. but at least we learned loads from this:) haha most of the people were friendly esp. the stc team that we played with lol i dunno i find them really nice:D my com doesn't like me, it keeps switching off on it's own! and it's not even 1 year old D: ooh shall talk about reflection day! wednesday was reflection day:) unexpectedly, IT WAS FUN! it wasn't like 6hours of staring at other people writing on and on while u stare blankly at your paper with nothing in your mind. they told stories about friendship, love and relationships. sounds boring, but it was funny! esp. the one about susiebaby and his son having a girlfriend:D then amanda was asked to act as the girlfriend getting married, LOL it was hilarious! after that, people were messaging her to congratulate her, like 'happy 45min anniversary!' and 'happy 1h anniversary' HHAHAHA every 15minutes. amandaaaa u should be honoured:D shall reply taggs here cause im too lazy to go your blogs to reply:D amanda lin: hihihihihihi lol. I KNOW. it's quite unglam actually! ILY too:D Rachelle: haha yeah yeah im very grateful. LOL. stop droning on about chickens! later make me dont feel like eating them ald.( i just ate 2 drumsticks 1 chicken wing:D) valerie: i think i never eat before. (im deprived) delia: dont insult chickens!
ps. i only posted to get rid of the chicken post! cause it's embarrassing D: i was high on tasteless alcohol then!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
 my post shall have a topic for the first time ever! *drum roll* CHICKENS!inspired by rachelle's quote of my words, "You know i cant live without chicken! I eat chicken like everyday." Sabrina:D to verify that, i shall tell u the number of chickens i ate! lunch: two chicken wings dinner: two drumsticks & a chicken wing it is also inspired by the awesome present i gave levia:D which caused chaos and havoc during training on friday. (it was hilarious when rachelle made it shrill at coach, his reaction, priceless) chicken, according to wikipedia. Humans keep chickens primarily as a source of food, consuming both their meat and their eggs. courtingWhen a rooster finds food, he may call the other chickens to eat it first. He does this by clucking in a high pitch as well as picking up and dropping the food. This behavior can also be observed in mother hens, calling their chicks. In some cases the rooster will drag the wing opposite the hen on the ground, while circling her. This is part of chicken courting ritual and has been called a "dance".[17] The dance triggers a response in the hen's brain,[17] and when the hen responds to his "call", the rooster may mount the hen and proceed with the fertilization. apparently, they have a population of more than 24 billion in 2003. :O that's like, ALOT. no wonder i can afford to eat it everyday, every meal. :D in conclusion, without chickens in this world, sabrina would suffer and die, or maybe just ate duck instead, which just tates blander:D
Thursday, October 15, 2009,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
going crazy at pepper lunch:Dlevia is the ultimate queen of unglam pics. practically every single shot taken of her is unglam in every way possible. HAHAHA. it's true! yesterday was traumatising. lol this light in our classroom, above nicole dropped. it was freaky, we were all just innocently watching butterfly lovers(it was at the good part). then there was this cracking sound but everyone thought it was the sound of lighting in the show. then suddenly the light dropped(?) and everyone was like screaming. almost hit nicole, so scary:O. in the end the white part hit her hand, i think. anyway it was freaky. haha valerie write until very funny. 'the killer fan & light Oct 14, 2009 8:45 PM CRASH! like sumth dropped @ dunno whr durin eng. it was followed by high shrills of SNG girls' lol DAMN FUNNY. PE yesterday, played with purity. shall rip from valerie's blog again. 'ohh n 2dae durin PE had a match wif a team from 1charity for baseball/softball wadeva sab n rachelle got jolenes grp LOL haah too bad. sumwad their grps r not happy in e end. n durin hockey e 2 clowns were complaining.' D: it was quite irritating. today had the financial thingy. SUPER BORING. i was gonna fall asleep. he gave away $2 though. linna got it D: then after that had some sports something haha. some japanese sword thingy. went to play against diligence twice:D it was quite fun though the helmet was gross and i cant see, or we won:D i think. anyway it was awesome:D sports carnival tomorrow! im playing table tennis, umpiring floorball. i kind of suck at table tennis, i have no idea what the rules of floorball are. TOMORROW WILL BE GREAT!:D (really) i will laugh like shit.
Thursday, October 8, 2009,
Thursday, October 08, 2009
REVIEW TESTS ARE OVER OVER OVER!can u believe it! hahahahah i cant. i feel stupid i have been waiting for this day for like EVER. and now i just feel so... dead and lifeless. i just realise my blogger(posting that time) is different from everyone else's. usually u can change font and colour and size. well MINE CANT. I HATE U BLOGGER. rachelle hasnt posted for 1month and 1day. :O i can never do that. i think.
Friday, October 2, 2009,
Friday, October 02, 2009
i just ate 2 full distorted mooncakes!:D i feel full. and i miss children's day): all the gifts and stuff. aww well. been posting on crazy buddies blog:D (sorta) so i had been neglecting my blog. plus there are the evil tests and all that. next week is hell, history and science D:D: i so wish i had recorded how natalie squeezed brown paint all over rachelle. it was HILARIOUS, the highlight of that awesome birthday i had last week and said i will elaborate on but never did(: i feel blessed to have such awesome friends:D:D:D i love u awesomely crazy people! on the bright side, today's training was super slack. it's quite stupid that we have been wishing and wishing that coach would not come, or it will rain or have lightning alert, and in the end coach didnt come and there was lightning alert on the same day. D: one at a time please! coach has flu! hope he doesnt get well that soon. HAHA. plus, today DELIA JOINED THE CRAZY BUDDIES:D  just drew this cool thing(our symbol) very hard okay! cause have to use com draw ): i have to admit, i am awesome:D
Friday, October 02, 2009
 Sabrina completed the quiz " The Hardest Spongebob quiz ever!!!" with the result OH MY GOSH! YOU KNOW EVERYTHING!. Seriously, if there's a thing you don't know, I missed it. You are, like, the total and complete Spongebob addict and freak. In... a way, this is sad. You know no other life besides Spongebob, and have to be fed through IV because you forgot how to eat. That's okay, aint nobody ever going to beat you in a Spongebob challenge. okayy i love spongebob again. he still creeps me out, but i've decided that we cant let fear stop our love:D im so intellectual and deep! i know! facebook claims that that was the HARDEST SPONGEBOB QUIZ EVER!!! but i highly doubt so, since all 12 of my friends who took it, got the same result. unless my awesome spongebobiness has rubbbed off on everyone. on a random note, icy tower is wasting my time again. (i meant to type something more interesting, but my mind was a blank, i forgot what i wanted to say)