Sunday, June 28, 2009,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
well, been awhile since i posted. finally bothered to do it:D not much has happened though. bored to tears;cause we were a couple of HOURS early for training.D: im on the team, with levia:D :D which was super surprising considering how suckish i play. haha. school's starting tomorrow:O and im NOT ready at alllll (wow big surprise) yayyyy i love my sarcasm. they should really extend the holidays. the H1N1 thing is only gonna get worst lk that currently taking a break from mugging bio which is not going well. i thought the test was on FRIDAY but its TOMORROW!!! omg dumbbb didnt really make use of june hols but lk wdvvvv i hope i dont screw up term3. i need to do well for chinese to escape the evil wraths of my stupid tution which is suppose to be going on now, but im skipping:D:D thats one good thing haha. gahhh didnt really get to enjoy the holidays either. shall just try to enjoy whats left of the june holidays mugging and such. monday;traning. tuesday;competition. wednesday;training. wish me luck to survive the next week manzxzx:)
Monday, June 22, 2009,
Monday, June 22, 2009
NOOOOOOOOOO schools are gonna reopen as scheduled D: D: D: ahhh and it just dawned on me that this is the last week of the hols that we were all looking forward to OMG school starts on monday still cant believe it gahhh
Monday, June 22, 2009
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/index.htm GO VOTE FOR EXTENDED HOLS:D haha dont know how many pp send me that message ald just voteeee HERE MORE HOLIDAYSSSSS!!! i still cant find stuff for chinese book review:(
Monday, June 22, 2009
WENT OUT WITH ZEE ON SATTTT:D went to bugis:) shannen couldnt goD: major sadness argh her mum's so funny lol! haha we took loads of neoprints:D i influence people to take alot but zee wanted to take so yayyyy ![]() we went to watch GHOST OF GIRLFRIEND'S PAST:D:D its nice! the main character is not hot at all! haha zee totally agrees with meeee:) RACHELLE!!!ohhh saw the china woman u were talking about haha! super funny and this malay woman sitting beside us was lk crying? when the movie isnt even sad! it was lk funny? hahahaha WTH people with weird emotions GO WATCH its funny:D haha! really enjoyed myself cant believe i didnt buy anything except for stuff to eat probably cause IM BROKE D: boo!im kinda bored with bugis now:( feel lk going cathay cineplex for no reason havent been posting lately no mood:( at all im still dumped with book review *PURE HORROR* oh poo i think i actually have to put braces gah! againD: i put when i was damn young lastime when i was cute and chubbyy cannot imagine with braces though! shld i put now or end of year... dont feel lk putting at all manzzz on the bright side had friendly with crescent on fri we won:D haha! i really hope they extend the holidays by a week will help LOADS must prayyyy they will extend!:D
Wednesday, June 17, 2009,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
playgrounds are awesome i made that it's a playground so nice right! doesnt look lk one, i know but it isss went levia's house yesterday:D it was awesomeee i was lk some mad woman haha! laughing lk maddddd and crashing into cupboards we had lego fight! it was funnn throwing lego around is nice picking them up, not so much:D look at the amazing country me and levia created!!! S is meee and L is levia and SL is STUPID LOSER :D:D my awesome tomato:D levia took so many unlglam pics of me haha! but i took so many of her tooo:) im kind so i shall not post it! giraffes are kind, gentle, AWESOME creatures who dont stink as much as other animals:D especially mineee who is standing on my table staring into space all day haha! i suddenly lk giraffes:) flowerrrr! flowers smell nice but this one stinks:D haha! levia so-called "decorated" this balloon for me she was going to FORCE me to bring home but she forgot:) anyway had a GREAT time:) it was funnnn i love being mad and levia's study room is nice nice right! wayy nicer then my crappy room which is very messy gah cant be bothered to do anything now RACHELLE!!!i writiing the science notes now haha! training today was tiring loads of running and stuff im tired:(
Tuesday, June 16, 2009,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
melted milkybar tastes nice:D
Monday, June 15, 2009,
Monday, June 15, 2009
hahah! randomly searched for this came across it in this cd in the car i used to laugh lk hell over this when i first heard this which was quite a few years ago when my brother who has nth better to do will search for stuff lk this:D now its my turnn training today! quite okayy wasnt fun though:( but somehow i wasnt that tired i realise without school, theres not much to talk about it's ald the THIRD week of the hols gahh wasnt really used wisely i still hate chinese i realise i hv hated all my chinese teachers or at least from p5 till now haha! chinese teachers lk to pick on meD: so meannn poo.this sucks i couldnt really be bothered with schoolwork anymore everything's a mess i feel lk just giving up and totally not studying which will just get me into deeper shit must improve for term 3 argh MUSTTTT! on the bright side going levia's house tomorrow:) looking forward to that shall post tomorrow if i hv the energy:D my room is messyyyy ohhh cool i found out how old coach is
Sunday, June 14, 2009,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
tried to eat a carrot yesterday i didnt know they tasted so foul and it's so HARD! i couldnt bite into it:O super hard haha! my mum is so evil she forced me to take mrt, ALONE omg scary i hate mrts>:/ they freak me out and i dunno why hahaha they just scare me, for some reason i havent started on cl book review there's six:( poo.i hate chinese. chinese was my best psle subject so amazing cant believe it it's my worst subject now i hate it... Jesus, Take the Wheel - LaKisha Jones this song is nice:D randomly heard it when i was on the car dont let me give up, ever.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
ME AND LEVIA ARE MAD MAD MADDDD! WE WALKED ALL THE WAY HOME FROM SCHOOL!!!:O isnt that like purely amazing considering how our school is in ANG MO KIO and we live in SERANGOON OMG! i still cant believe we did it!!! we totally WALKED haha anyway it's all REBECCA-TOTALLY-UNHOT's fault she made us miss 3 buses lol! so we walked her home:D then we actually wanted to take 262 to AMKhub but 262 just left so we dicided to walk:D:D definedly not my decision though wonder who decided to walk *cough*levia*cough* HAHA anyway i promised levia an INSPIRATIONAL post so here goes:D:D wait how do u start an inspirational post *clueless,confused moment* We persevered till the end, never giving up we conquered all our difficulties and suceeded(i think i spell wrong lol!) no matter what we do, we must never give up for our efforts will be paid off:D:D:D:D HAHAHAAHAHA OMG! I CAN NEVER DO THAT AGAIN i was totally laughing while typing that i dunno! i know its short but cannot think of anything else lol! we could have taken the easy way out and take bus,but we never caved in, we continued to walk:D although i did scream everytime 136 passed us :D it was so comical then we walked pass this traffic light where they were doing some construction thingy and all the dust&dirt&stuff flew into my eyes lol i was lk blinded for awhile then i dunno where to walk cause i cant see and i almost stepped into the bucket of cement or wdv that is HAHA glad i didnt:) woo! can u imagine if i stepped inside it will be so hilarious and embarrasing:D we walked from our school all the way to CARDIFF before we went our seperate ways:) i never knew i could walk that much ohhh then we were lk singing and bouncing up and down haha so funnn i think i was high:D but it made me super uber tired WE FREAKING TOOK 2HOURS TO WALK TO CARDIFF!!! that proves how farrrrr we walk we are so awesome:D and we walked all those ulu ulu places where nobody goes so scary ewww levia made me do that action make me look like some idiot haha! we wanted to video call rebecca to prove that we walked all the way home BUT we realised we both dont hv her number !!! hahahahhahahahhahahaha the walk was very very very tiring im still dying now pooey and i had this super huge blister and this small blister ald and i still walked all that way LEVIA!!!! guess what now i hv 3 D: so horribly pain i shall end this post by saying that REBECCA IS THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS! hahhahahahahahhaaha im still too cool for u:P
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
YAYYYYY! i just finished that stupid 作文:D hahha in ur face srry being mad due to severe lack of sleep which i hv to due with again tomorrow cause i have to wake up at 7 and its 2 12 now:( RIGHT cant believe i write so fast:DDD im so freakin HAPPY now hahah i wrote draft so its lk i wrote 4 pages:O in dunno how long but it was fast! yayy i love it when a day is productive even if i do slack cause i do that all the time:D haha okayy this was a totally random post brought to u by MEEEE! ur welcome:D
Monday, June 8, 2009,
Monday, June 08, 2009
THE YVONNE STORY! one day, yvonne was strolling along the road, singing nursery rhymes out loud. suddenly, two little people dashed infront of her and placed a mysterious transparent object against her skin. IT'S THE ATTACK OF THE ICE INSECT!!!:O to yvonne's utter horror, the ice insect kept crawling(sliding on her skin). she has nvr witnessed any insect like that bfore, and she freaked out on the thought that she was slowly going to be devoured by the frightening ice insect. As the ice insect etched closer to her, she started screaming hysterically and running in circles like a xiaozharbor, and all eyes were on her, wide with curiousity. "OhMyGod.. so cold its eating me up aaaaa" screamed yvonnne. she realised it was very cold and that it might be eating her up bit by bit suddenly she felt the wetness coming from her leg and instantly thought that blood was squirting out of her leg. The ice insect that had "magical powers" turned her blood from red to transparent! yvonne then went hsyterical and fainted on the floor. THE END!!! whooo! hahahaa isnt that a wonderful story:D lol! rachelle has such good imagination:):) hahaha this is the edited version! so awesome right HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!
Monday, June 08, 2009
OMGOMGOMGOMG feel dumber then ever noww i did something super retarded haha i slept lk 4h in the past 2 days so as any functional brain would tell you i was damn tired just now haha so just now i was lk lying on my bed and fell asleep whoo that was probably the first time i slept in the afternoon:O anyway when i woke up, i was super blur then i checked the time and it was lk 7 50 something and I THOUGHT IT WAS IN THE MORNING!!! so i woke up and went to bath and after that i was lk staring into space then found out i couldnt think abt what i ate for dinner lol! and i was lk "did i lose my memory?" -super confused moment- so...i went to check the time on my phone and it was lk 8 and i STILL didnt get it even though there was a PM right after that HAHAHHA i know... dumb only when i looked at it again, then again which is lk the third time then i went "OHHHH" haha then i totally freaked out lol! i bathed twice in lk 4h? omg cant believe i so blur now still very blur:( hahah i feel lk a total retard now!:D
Monday, June 08, 2009
WHOOO! i wanna go out everyday and totally just enjoy my holidays:D:D sadly,i cant:( note: i have NOT started ANY of my holiday hw:O THURSDAY:) hahahaha yvonne came my house! she's super funny:D & hardworking:) we watched kung fu panda! made me remember how obese he is cute! wait wrong word more lk hilarious haha cause he's not exactly cute material not lk BOB who is still the cutest thingy i have ever seen:D i love bob! oohh back to kung fu panda hahaha made me find my love for pandas again:) IM HUGGING MY PANDA STUFF TOY NOW isnt that awesome lol! her name's candy cause she's sooo sweet:) hahha i know people are smirking now ohh and we watched shrek2 too! shrek is obese yet totally uncute hahaha at least panda's are cute:D not as cute as bob, but still cute:) whoooooo im so bob crazy! i love him!!! bob from monsters vs aliens, NOT bob the builder bob the builder is plain gross hahahhahahahhahaah funny how everything ends up with bob! haha yvonne damn cute lol! and i gave her our presents:D hope she likes them whooo i like rachelle's card its so NICEEEE:D FRIDAY:) nth much happened training was QUITE fun coach is still as cranky as ever didnt hv tution:) i was so freaking happy!!!:D:D SATURDAY:D:D went out with heather! FUN FUN FUN!!! hahaha omg we took loads of neoprints I ♥ TAKING NEOPRINTS loveee it! went to quite a few places haha wondering aimlessly, looking for nothing in particular:) first we met at raffles place ate macs:D then went to bugis to take neoprints! hahaha then plaza sing! then homeD: we took mrt then this guy beside me so gross he raised his arm to hold that handle thingy IT WAS SUPER SMELLY!!! omg probably the worst thing i have ever smelt haha somemore i at the armpit height D:D: *utter horror* so horrifyingggg:O something stupid happened heather had to go home at 5 30 & my mum told me she wont be back till 6 45 i didnt hv the keys so when i reached my bus stop, my initial plan was to stone there but there as this weird old guy there that looked GROSSS haha so i walked back to my house not bothering to even ring the bell thinking that nobody will be at home so i strolled up and down my street after awhile people started throwing me strange stares and all that haha so i WALKED to macs under the super super hot sun people looked at me weirdly probably because i was holding a jacket lol! and i was wearing me&levia's MATCHING SHIRT hahahhaa the doggy one lol! which is why i brought the jacket in the first place haha! ohhh i reach there and bought one packet of fries hahah the walk was so not worth a packet of fries then just when i sat down and enjoyed the aircon i looked at the time and was lk OMG OMG OMG! i suddenly remembered my father saying he and my brother will leave house at 6 30 and it was lk 6 20+ soo i quickly brisked walked home with my fries:D i think i was practically running and looked mad in the end i reach home they were lk halfway leaving the house:O hahahahah sometimes i really wonder if i have a brain lol! OHHHH and I BOUGHT A NEW PENCILCASE!!! hahahah *happy* i still wanna buy a new school bag and wallet and loads of other stuff:D SUNDAYYYY! went heather's church:) quite boring haha poo quite a boring day i was dying of tiredness:D:D HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY RACHELLE!!!I LOVE U:D TODAY:D:D training was kinda :( coach scolded loads of people hahah who cares im ald ignoring him:D then he ask us to sit at the dunno what place there and the sprinkler thingy SPRAYED ALL OVER US HAHAHAHA IT WAS HILARIOUS!!! everyone was lk SCREAMING! lol! rachelle was really wet i was 2nd wet:D haha half my butt was wet, felt so weird hahaha levia was...DRY?! poo im bored of this ald thats practically all:D ohhh and i drank 5 packets of H20!!!AGAIN:D haha so awesome! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!:D
Wednesday, June 3, 2009,
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
AWESOME DAY WITH LEVIA! hahah damn funn i love levia:D:D we went to eat pepper lunch! which was quite nice:D then crazy levia went to pick up the corn one by one LOL! whooo! then we did very childish stuff which was fun:) after that we went to take NEOPRINTS! love it! then the stupid machine no paper so we had to lk take again? which was soo stupid i liked the first batch wayy nicer but it's still nice:) WHOOOTS! THEN WE WENT TO WATCH MONSTERS VS ALIENS! ![]() BOB IS THE CUTEST MOST ABORABLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! hahahhaha he rocks levia says she wants to marry him LOL! then she was lk saying how he cannot wear a ring haha the movie is niccee too bad we didnt watch the 3D one:( they cheated us so we're gonna watch it again:D so cool right! oohh and we bought MATCHING T-SHIRTS! awesome:) hahaha it's some dog thingy on it cause we cant find any other shirt lol! randoming now:D haha look! i look the same with my hair the other way right? so cool:D haha i cant think straight it's late:(( hv to wake up again tomorrowD: yay! this had been another boring post brought to u by AWESOME SABRINA!:D 12 facts i know about you 1)you are reading this now 2)you have nothing better to do 4)you didnt realise i missed 3 5)you just went back to check 7)you didnt realise i miss 6 8)you just went back to check again 12)you didnt realise that there are only 7 facts hahha im watching PHUA CHU KANG! SO AWESOME i left 4h of sleep crap:( |