Thursday, April 30, 2009,
Thursday, April 30, 2009
OMG SO EMBARRASSING!!!:0haha today me and levia were lk on the bus after ditching nicole then natalie was lk"go down the bus now luh" wait i 4got why HAHA anyway we were talking abt smth then she sorta "dared" me to go down then walk all the way to the bus stop there that i was actually stopping at HAHA and of course levia did it too!:) cause she's such a good friend(LOL) WHOO WE DID IT!:D u know what we did we rannnnnn after the bus arnt we mad? then stefanie said everyone in the bus was lk laughing at us?! omg so freaky so embarrasing luhD: lol ahhhhh wdv luh it was fun it made me HIGHHH then when we finally reached the bus stop we were lk SWEATING LK HELL and the nxt 265 ald arrived haha and nicole was inside she so blur luh we wave so long then she know it's us then we went to eat ICE CREAMwell deserved ice cream(for levia and me!) then we went to AMKhub to be lame and hv air con hahahha and we did weird stuff that kindergarten pp do  yeah we made that!!!  isnt it super cool my "s" is red and levia's "l" is blue then there was lk a red car and a blue car!:D it was so coincedental i hv such wonderful photography skills:)  WEDNESDAY:)   LOOK AT NICOLE!it's so funny!her eyes are lk...  too lazy to rotate  went to support swimming! actually it was very boring then after awhile it was super fun cause we were lk seeing who can stone longest HAHA then we made an episode of DORA THE EXPLORER! it was fuuunnnnnnnnn i was swiper! i had to make that hissy sound then victoria&nicole&cheryl would be lk "SWIPER NO SWIPEY!SWIPER NO SWIPEY!" the i had to go"AWWW MAN!" haha i love playing swiper it's so fun then ME AND VICTORIA WENT MADDD ON THE BUS haha we were lk usin the fans as frisbee throwing it around the bus but it kept hitting the sec3s so we stopped then we started doing the dora thingy again and then me victoria and cheryl sang songs:) esp me and vicotria we were 110% mad and off-pitch HAHAHA victoria made me super high luh i was lk jumping around haha even all the bus then i "fell" actually it wasnt fell it was slammed into natalie LOL:) on the bus cause of victoria! she was lk jumping outside anyway i was VERY VERY HIGH i reached the state that if i wasnt me i would hv thought i was mad hahahha im too lazy to type more bye bye this week had drained out all the energy left in me. lifeless now LOL:D oops 4got abt spongebob!   cant see me:) haha
Friday, April 24, 2009,
Friday, April 24, 2009
 scandalous activity;  up close:D haha so funnyy training today was tiring but quite fun:) this week had been BORINGi fell asleep lk uh everyday? lessons are getting more and more boring this is what boredom does to one  haha the bear thingy is amanda teo draw one! LOL:D there's more! isnt my pooh bear just adorable?:) haha weird ugly penguins! okayy i have a theory about coach now mon: in a shitty mood very very moody wed:okayy okayy normal fri:"good mood" haha the " is becuz it varies! LOL:D training was horrible on wed got scolded by coach 3 timesD: pathetic today quite fun luh watched the sec4 play against the sec1,2&coach hahaha coach likes to show off but the sec4's still win haha very tired now heaven start on any assignments yet:(
Tuesday, April 21, 2009,
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
 isnt that cool? SABRINA! Super! Awesome! Brilliant! THE FIRST LETTERS SPELL SAB! hahaha im bering really lame here but it's lk a total coincedence i didnt lk plan it or smth haha:) training yesterday sucked D: coach scolded me lk 3 times? omg super scary luh it's lk so much better when he isnt there everyone plays better! when he's there so scary then everyone very stressed LOL anyway training yest was HORRIDtoday was HORRIBLE too super boring i hate tuesdays i hate tuesdays i hate tuesdays i hate tuesdays i hate tuesdays this is not a good start; it's only tuesday and im feeling miserable:( im super sad now luh i wanted to post the videos of us spinning around to cheer me up then this stupid com cannot read the file grrrr
Friday, April 17, 2009,
Friday, April 17, 2009
 HELLO! i have been abandoning my blog!4 quite long considering how i used to post everyday too lazy now & no time(that's everyone's excuse:D)  THU! was VICTORIA's birthday! hahaha i gave her weird stuff nicole gave her a monkey that records stuff i think VICTORIA looks lk a monkey hahaha im not being mean>:/ see nicole wrote that durin d&t on mon nice right! haha jealous?kiddin. i love nicole!:D  haha the "block game" we played durin d&t looks weird though   lookey! that's my hand! while we were "playing" with bacteria i really dont get the playing part we were doin work!!! HAHA THIS IS FUNNY!  pig rolling in mud! stephanie went mad durin recess! she was pulling me,victoria and nicole's skirt esp mine! cause she wants to hear the weird voice which i was speaking in LOL and victoria was laughing weirdly:D  haha i thought this looked comical even though i can see now that it really isnt i wanted to take pic but didnt dare haha this person sitting behind us was lk starin at us so i sort of "dared" levia to take and she did! YAY!:D i love levia too!:) & i 4got to ask rachelle send me the videos lk AGAIN! i hv short term memory we had a spinnin contest b4 we went to run again! but this time in pairs! ME AND LEVIA against trini and natasha guess who won? YEAH! ME&LEVIA WON!because im so pro! i hv lk been doing the spinnin thing since wayy back lk k1?or younger HAHA! i hv experience! then we spun around alone then tried to run to the end yay! i ran to the end! then i fell LOL but trini was funny she did it alone first then she walked a few steps then fell HAHA it was super funny LOL training was fun(cause we were making levia freak out:D) lessons were BORING as usual yay!:) LEVIA!beatrice is awesome!:D
Tuesday, April 14, 2009,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
i haven started on ANY hw at all
im dead and im feeling random
shall post random pics:)
try this it's super cool
HAHA i took really long to do that
rachelle the spoilsport totally not cooperating
rachelle cooperating:D
totally random;people who dodge end up looking weirder
im so dead
Monday, April 13, 2009,
Monday, April 13, 2009
 HELLLOOOOOO! d&t today was fun:) we didnt hv the materials so... WE PLAYED A GAME WE=me:),stef,nicole,elizabeth IT'S SUPER FUN! this is how we started: me and nicole went to natalie and chu ning the table we saw a eraser that was nobody's so i suggested we break it into many pieces and after MUCH EFFORT(reminds me of that soyjoy ad LOL) we finally broke into many unequal pieces!YAY! and we were throwing it among each other which was kinda boring then we went back to natalie&chu ning's table and then there were 4 blocks of wood there so i was lk playing with it and i put the eraser on it and suggested we play a game! at first we all dunno what to do but eventually we all got it SO I CREATED A GAME! aint i the best:D we gave it a name it's called "BLOCK GAME" I created that name too*smiles* (shall put a pic here tomorrow or smth) IT'S SUPER FUN!what with walking past - and saying stuff and saying i love u to - HAHAHAHHAHAH funny and elizabeth proposed to amandateo LOL and she "kissed" nicole! and nicole said her butt was nice*choke* it felt lk a truth or dare game just way funner and i found out that I AM THE AWESOMESS!training was fun too:) HAHA the sec4's are so funny we had to write "hockey!" with our butts cuz we lost to the other team(unfair:() and THEY VIDEOED IT!so embarrasing HAHA but i am still awesome!
Saturday, April 11, 2009,
Saturday, April 11, 2009
 rachelle,stefanie,miki and wai pan came yesterday hahahahha we were suppose to complete: 1)brochure 2)powerpoint 3)video LOL we did lk all half half the video is super uber funny and i look really D-U-M-B in it lk really really dumb my hair looked weird hahaha was really fun to make the video and guess what? WE ATE FINISH TWO PACKETS OF RUFFLES hahah my mum bought 3 packets+ some marshmallows(?)(we totally didnt touch it) she expected us to fin which was really impossible rachelle went back early:( and miki stefanie and wai pan went bac at 9 LOL we ate ice cream while watching "monsters inc." (there were no nice shows) and found out that boo(the girl,not sure what her name is) and the blueish greenish monster is super cute the monster is cite cause he's so hairy and will be nice to cuddle and bounce on(cause he's fat haha:D)  and we found out that everyone's cam-whoring skills suck:) and i found out that i will forever look weird in uniform lk in school or out of school HAHA  i'm in uni.i look stupid. today really sucked here's a line to summarise it all I HATE INSECTSthey are super gross why cant they just all extinct THEY ARE GROSS AND USELESS they are pests not all of them but i hate all of them i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i hate insects i'm f-r-e-a-k-i-n pissed.find a way to say that so it sounds super funny:D
Thursday, April 9, 2009,
Thursday, April 09, 2009
LONG WEEKEND!i just love long weekends not as much as june holidays or december holidays but still love them*smiles* good friday tomorrow:) training yesterday was HORRID coach came:( after not coming for 2 trainings then he keep looking at me and say i do wrongD: and he called me valerieso i didnt know whether to respond or not=.= and it was boring too cuz rachelle's good friend nvr cum and yvonne also LOL:D  i look stupid.BORED PP ON THE BUS HAHA today took 265 with levia & siying & amanda teo and waipan too who didnt talk to us on 265 hahaha she was stuck at the back saw kelly whose teeth rachelle loves:) i said hi at the bus stop there then tripped:( lol so loserish then the stupid amanda and siying laugh at me but it was funny:D and at the traffic light there 136 left us(yeah levia took 136 with me:)) and we MOURNED:D "why must u leave us?"NOT MY WORDS hahahhahaha funny:)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009,
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Sabrina is BRILLIANT!hahaha she managed to stay away from her com 4 the whole of yest! whhoooooooooooo! that was probably the only day that i didnt use my com since psle was over lol MADNESS i am so addicted to my com anyway i stopped 4 one day so IT PROOFS I AM NOT ADDICTED:D im so proud! im such a ego maniac haha im in the love mood today:D shall shout it out to the world:) i love -6C'08! -1charity09! -rachelle:D -nicole -victoria -levia -stefanie -amanda lin -heather -shannen -SNhockey♥ -CRAZY HOCKEY SENIORS♥ -EVERYONE FROM 1Charity! -everyone that i know! yay! im really really mad today! haha MADNESSS!
Sunday, April 5, 2009,
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Say yay!i finally bought my hockey stick:D haha went penisula to buy with levia we were lk so dumb dunno wad to buy lol rachelle is gonna kill me 4 not calling her haha ate strawberries in the afternoon RANDOM it was lk super sour so i went to put loads of whipped cream  it went from this to  this haha so fattening shall enjoy now and suffer ltr:D
Friday, April 3, 2009,
Friday, April 03, 2009
Training was kinda fun todayif u minus the running part and the me wanting to puke becuz eat too fast part it was fun mostly becuz coach wasnt there!:Dthen everyone very qing song haha we decided to be super "nice" to our seniors and not bully them so we didnt hit them:) except yvonne where rachelle used my hand to hit her=.= i am so freakin tired and tat pile of hw really isnt helping i was so tired durin tution i was practically sleepin then come home cannot rest hv to do that stupid math thing which im pretty sure i will fail:( got scolded becuz of that too becuz i didnt do it b4 tution yeah lk i hv sooo much time b4 tution*sulk* felt so horrible during lessons had headache for lk the whole dayD: now still hv eww i really hate headaches but who doesnt me and rachelle cheonged lunch today we ate in lk about 5 min? cuz we wanted to go library do that math thing but lib was closed:( so we cheonged 4 nth which caused me a stomach ache and my feel-like-pukingness so we went to slack walked around then saw huiyi she nvr eat lunch said she dont feel lk eatin lol so we walked to the hockey there to stone yeah:D
Wednesday, April 1, 2009,
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
APRIL FOOL'S DAY!it was quite fun today haha our first period was ms cheong lesson and WE SWITCH CLASSES WITH 1DILIGENCE lol so funny lah we were lk in their classroom then the teacher came in then she sort of glanced at the class then she looked at the class label and we greeted her lk really loudly haha guess what she said "what did i say?where are your science textbooks and files?" or smth lk tat i 4got lol then we were all lk laughing lk hell and lk everytime the teacher said smth we laughed:D super funny then she ask 4 the AV person and minnie went out haha then in the end someone told the teacher spoil the fun:( and we all lk ran to our class and spoil it further cause ms cheong didnt noe yet anyway it was F-U-N-N-Y then 4got who someone told me ms cheong asked if we changed our sitting arrangement HAHA then when we finally went back to class she told us she knew something was on cuz we were watchin out 4 her:D and we weren't as syncronised(lol dunno how to spell) as diligence when we greet the her lol then we laughed again and she gave us some sweets:) 4 the "quiz" the crossword thingy not 4 playing a prank on her LOL which mrs sng said was bad 4 our teeth and we were all lk wdv then we convinced her to bring sweets 4 us and she say she will TRY:D haha and me and nicole and in a way rachelle were playing the "insects" game all day INSECTS GAME: me-there's an insect on your hand/back someone-i help u kill it*hit* someone/me-still not dead *hit* (person either scream at us to stop or smth or stupidly do nth) someone/me-still not dead *hit* someone/me-still not dead *hit* and continues until the person runs away/scream/hit us bac(stephine:(lol) hahahhahaa training today quite fun also watching yvonne and huiyi trying to stretch themselves was FUNNY and watching jessie dance durin recess was FUNNIER:D