Saturday, December 31, 2011,
Saturday, December 31, 2011
2 0 1 2
 new year's starting in an hour+ and I'm here cause I have no life :D I never really bothered with New Year Resolutions cause no one actually follows them. But this time, I'M DETERMINED TO. So, here goes :) 1. To do my best in everything so I'll be able to live with no regrets:) Okay, this mostly applies to studies because next year is really gonna be a hell of a scary, scary, busy year. And there's really no point in doing something if your'e not doing your best. and for B'div too! It's scary to think how soon B'div is gonna come and go and it's really gonna be about what we are going to make of it and what we are going to leave behind. I just wanna train my hardest and stop being a lazy ass so whatever happens, I'll have no regrets:D 2. STOP PROCRASTINATING I need to stop being a big fat pig  and get my nerding on :D  3. Not give up on studying >:) 2012 is probably gonna be way tougher than this year has been. And this year has already been hell to me :( I really don't know how I'm gonna survive next year without turning brain-dead and zombie-like by the end of O's.  All I know is I really don't wanna be filled with regret when I get my results back. so yes! MUST STUDY :) 4. EAT HEALTHIER hahahha okay no this does not mean I'm gonna start eating those gross veggies.   I'm just gonna TRY to eat less junk food, like my precious tasty, delicious ruffles. and my awesome Ben & Jerry's! Which I just finished a whole tub of, not off to a good start but heheh. okay I should try to run periodically too if not I'll just be a whole blob of fats. I just weighed myself just now, suffice to say, I'M VERY DISTURBED BY IT NOW :( But I have ice cream for now so I'm contended. Such a vicious cycle, damnn. and yeah, that's about it for my new year's resolutions For now, I'm just praying that 2012 will be nice to me, and it will be a nice, fulfilling year :)
Thursday, December 22, 2011,
Thursday, December 22, 2011
 LOOK AT THESE COOL RINGS! So, me and Levia got this ring making set for kids the other day. it's for ages 5-97 or something like that. HOW COOL IS THAT:D and yes that's about as exciting as my life gets right now, sadly. I'm watching glee now cause I just refuse to do work and omg IT IS SO BORING :(
Saturday, December 10, 2011,
Saturday, December 10, 2011
This the season to be jolly
 I can't believe christmas is just round the corner, 15 more days to be exact. Time really passes way too quickly :/ Soon, christmas would come and go and the start of another horrifyingly scary mugging year would began. It really is time someone should really invent a time machine already. On the bright side, I FINALLY TOLD MY FATHER THAT MY LAPPY IS SCREWED. so he did the whole restarting thing again. hence, I'm back here:) my entire laptop is EMPTY now. like a pretty shell with nothing in it. All my songs and pictures, GONE :( Sigh, the things you have to live with when technology hates you. So, life has been terribly unexciting recently. Friday we had the last training of the year :( Yes, I have no life so I'm sad training is over. Well, hopefully that translates to me sitting my lazy ass on the chair and doing work now. I REALLY HATE MYSELF FOR THIS. I can't believe the holidays are ending in just a few weeks time. This holiday was suppose to be the time where I caught up with everything, clarified everything, went through everything. and guess what I've done so far, N-O-T-H-I-N-G. can someone please punch me. How am I gonna survive sec4 with my current status:/ damnnn this really sucks. I'm not even 1/4 way through my huge pile of homework. which includes the awfully dreaded 6 lit essays, not to mention the 2 english ones :( okay, after all that ranting, I REALLY NEED TO TURN ON MY CHRISTMAS SPIRIT.  For some damn reason, I'm just not feeling in the festive mood this year. All the decorations and christmasy stuff just annoys me. THIS IS NOT RIGHT. EDUCATION HAS STOLEN MY EMOTIONS FROM ME. I'M JUST LIKE A LIFELESS MUMMY ROAMING AROUND.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
the "holidays"
      Honestly, all I wanna do this holiday is rot at home, doing nothing but wasting life away:D time passes so fast, november is almost over already and so far, I've accomplished NOTHING during the holidays at all. so much for the my-holidays-are-gonna-be-super-productive plan :( Anyway, I totally agree with Spongebob, I should just stay home and rot. The only bad thing about that is that I've to endure my maid's (horrendous) cooking. she's so weird, I swear, not even being mean but I think she really hates all of us and is poisoning all our food/drinks. that would explain all my recent stomachaches. I think she's plotting revenge while I'm typing this. people don't get why my aim is to die before 29, but it's the perfect plan. see, by 29, you won't be married, won't have kids, so you won't have too much responsibilities. Plus, you're probably at this point in you're career where you aern't sick of everything around you yet. So, it's the perfect age to die at!  I'll be forever alone with all my cool, cute little cats;D  WATCH OUT, I'll be the crazy cat lady in the soon-to-be future:D
Tuesday, October 18, 2011,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
 we should all learn from Spongebob, he's such a happy person:) Somehow I'm sitting in my room now with undone homework and a bag of chips feeling fat as hell but this is the best feeling ever:) I'M SO HAPPY NOW. Results are back! and in a way I guess I'm just glad. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. God is so good :D I'm gonna have to endure math tuitions throughout the holidays though:/ but I've decided I'm gonna be hardworking from this day on and have a thirst for knowledge (oh god, I just made 3 attempts to spell knowledge properly) hahaahaha I HAVE TO I'm gonna learn from Spongebob He's forever like this:  even when he's having lessons and working he's always eager and happy such a hardworking little sponge. THE WORLD SHOULD LEARN FROM SPONGEBOB
Thursday, October 13, 2011,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
 You'd be expecting a happy post since EOYs are over. but no I'm not in the happy mood. heh. it feels good being reunited with my lappy:D it's been so damn long. but no. I'M HERE TO RANT:D so that day while we were dinnering my dad was telling how sad it is to be a student these days. "When I was your age, we don't need to study one. We just play all day long, exams come then study abit." I wish life were that good now:) Even though people in the past didn't have technology and all that, they're childhood all seems so much more amusing! so much more interesting and fun. Now, kids have sad childhoods being bombarded with tuition after tuition, enrichment after enrichment:/ It's sad how kids no longer have fun. I think. Now, these days, it's like 一代不如一代 already. in terms of... everything really. hahaha. I think this whole world is so screwed up :( okay, everyone should just ignore me I've been like suffering from severe mood swings since god knows how long.  Anyway, on to more important things, I REALLY REALLY DESPERATELY NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT.When I was feeling sad after I weighed myself that day. It suddenly dawned on me. I gained 10 freaking kgs this year. I'm not even kidding :( TENNNNNNN major issues. I'm gonna start training/ losing fats... soon like maybe tomorrow;)